Open Source Research: April to June 2020

Since the publication of our first Open Source Research article in March, we have continued to put out polls (almost) weekly via the Ethereum World Twitter account and the Ethereum World Telegram group about Ethereum and crypto topics.

Open Source Research: April to June 2020

Since the publication of our first Open Source Research article in March, we have continued to put out polls (almost) weekly via the Ethereum World Twitter account and the Ethereum World Telegram group about Ethereum and crypto topics.

In case the collated results are of any use to ethereans, we have once again combined the results and added charts for your reading pleasure.

The most important piece of crypto content each day normally comes in the form of…

31 responses across Telegram and Twitter

  • price charts - 8
  • project developments - 15
  • community opinions - 1
  • thought leaders' posts - 7

I'm more likely to share information if it is in the form of:

28 responses across Telegram and Twitter

  • a video - 6
  • a podcast/audio file - 1
  • an article - 13
  • something interactive - 8

When I first heard about Ethereum, the information came from:

37 responses across Telegram and Twitter

  • a thought leader - 5
  • an article - 16
  • a friend - 12
  • other - 16

The main issue with crypto Twitter/Telegram is:

15 responses on Twitter

  • signal/noise ratio - 8
  • character constraints - 2
  • having to use Twitter - 5
  • other - 0

10 responses on Telegram

  • signal/noise ratio - 5
  • having to trust Telegram - 2
  • not another messenger! - 1
  • it's a bad tool - 1

When it comes to Ethereum events (including virtual ones) I have personally attended…

52 responses across Telegram and Twitter

  • none - 24
  • 1-10 - 19
  • 11-20 - 1
  • 21+ - 8

My interest in Ethereum is mainly:

166 responses across Telegram and Twitter

  • personal - 115
  • professional - 51

When it comes to spreading the word about Ethereum, I think it is most effective if you:

48 responses across Telegram and Twitter

  • have conversations - 24
  • write pieces - 2
  • boost messages - 1
  • show don't tell - 21

I've been an Etherean/a part of the #Ethereum community for:

55 responses across Telegram and Twitter

  • less than a year - 8
  • 1-2 years - 9
  • 2-3 years - 9
  • 3+ years - 29

Ecosystem expansion is best done through encouraging [blank] to use [blank]:

22 responses across Telegram and Twitter

  • people / new things - 13
  • old things / Ethereum - 5
  • show results - 4

For me, the least useful information source for #crypto news is:

37 responses across Telegram and Twitter

  • email - 12
  • messenger - 9
  • publications - 8
  • social media - 8

I find that conversations around a project are of a better quality if they are occurring on:

58 responses across Telegram and Twitter

  • Slack - 6
  • Reddit - 10
  • Discord - 20
  • Telegram - 22

The main problem with the biggest social networks is:

54 responses across Telegram and Twitter

  • noise - 14
  • centralization - 12
  • censorship - 22
  • something else - 6

We will continue to publish the results of polls like these just in case they ever come in useful to the wider community. You can help out by answering them by following the Ethereum World Twitter account and the Ethereum World Telegram group 🚀🚀🚀